Entries for February 2023
Dear friends,
We have begun the discipline of Lent! The church gives us a season of “repentance” every year to reflect upon our relationship with the Lord and to return to the basics of our faith. In our Judeo-Christian tradition, “repentance” is typically marked by works of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. We have strived to provide you with opportuniti...
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Dear Friends,
Lent is upon us! Here are some important dates to remember as we move into the season of Lent:
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper -2/21 5-6:30pm in the Parish Hall (free, but please sign up in the narthex)
Ash Wednesday - 2/22 Mass times 9am, 5pm, 7pm
Soup and Bread- Fridays during Lent in the Hall at 6:30pm
Stations of the Cross- Fridays during Lent in the Church at ...
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Dear Friends,
This is announcement weekend for the Annual Appeal for Catholic Ministries. Normally, I would speak at all Masses this weekend asking for your support of the Appeal. However, I am away on winter break. As Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, we are part of a community of 500,000 Catholics who live in a geography which spans from the western shore of ...
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Dear Friends,
Lent is fast approaching! Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent is February 22 – two weeks from this Wednesday. The 3 great acts of piety in our Judeo-Christian tradition that mark a season of repentance: Prayer; Fasting & Almsgiving. I encourage to consider how you and your family will include these 3 works of piety as part of your Lente...
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