My dearest Seton family,
What a whirlwind and JOY these last eight months have been for me! Thank you for your welcome, guidance, and the time you share volunteering for this loving and giving community. This past week Deacon Jack was able to deliver 240+ backpacks because 60 people volunteered their time to pack/deliver backpacks and more than 100 different families donated funds to cover 116% of our cost. Not only did we meet our goal but we exceeded it and are able to offer additional assistance for the students at St. Gregory in Baltimore (insert happy dance here).
It has been so exciting to meet and chat with you about your dreams for this parish. It is through these conversations that together we have been able to bring back some favorite activities such as the Donut Sunday and Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9/11), the annual Parish Picnic (9/18) celebrating our parishes 46th anniversary, a multitude of Adult Spiritual Enrichment activities in the coming months (check out the rest of this bulletin), and Family Faith Formation gatherings.
Speaking of Family Faith Formation…This weekend, parents and families are invited to stop by the Parish Hall to check out the opportunities available for this year’s Family Faith Formation. Have you already registered? Then come and pick up your box of formation materials. Do you have a child ready for the sacraments of Reconciliation or Eucharist? Have questions about what opportunity to choose for your family? Let’s chat about it and set you and your family up for success!
Together we continue to dream and discern how the Lord is calling each of us to serve His community. There are so many dreams that have been shared with me from serving our Seton seniors to gathering young adults and young families, long term service opportunities, and even a possible trip to the Shrines of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the Holy Spirit is most definitely moving in our community. What makes these dreams possible are people willing and able to do the planning, preparation, and invitations for the activity. Is God calling you to walk with families on their faith journey? How about an individual interested in becoming Catholic? Are you an event planner or do you work well with young children? Maybe God is asking to work through you to build the Kingdom right here with your gifts. Let us work together to make that happen.
Christ is truly alive in St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. Christ is Alive in YOU!
Now come on down to the Parish Hall and let’s chat.
Peace and joy, my friends!
Sarah Jarzembowski
Sunday Worship Aid
Weekly updates:
- We are in need of people for our sacristan and linen cleaning teams. This is a vital behind the scenes ministry that is not too taxing. Please contact Liam Benton if interested.
- Applications for Altar Servers are now available on our website and at the Hospitality Table. Please consider having your child sign up for this important ministry Here.
- We are looking for a new Coordinator of Digital Evangelization, please call the parish office if you or someone you know might be interested in this position.
A reminder....although masking is now optional, we encourage all parishioners to use your best judgement about wearing a mask especially if you are not vaccinated or immunocompromised. Please use the hand sanitizers in the Narthex and when you enter the church at the Food Pantry entrance. As always, if you are not feeling well, have a fever or persistent cough, please stay home and watch our live-streamed Mass online.
During the month of August we will be having communion services on weekday while Monsignor is on vacation, so there will be no livestreaming of the 9:00 am weekday Mass for the month of August.