SeaSeton Parish follows Anne Arundel County Public School policy, in case of inclement weather. If schools are closed, the Parish Offices are closed and the 9:00am Mass is cancelled and all evening meetings and activities are cancelled (including Faith Formation at SOTI). The Crofton Food Pantry will also be closed. To find out if schools are closed, please go to:
If the schools are delayed the 9:00am Mass and all morning meetings and activities will be cancelled and Parish Offices will be delayed; opening the same amount of time. Ex: if schools are delayed two hours the Parish Office will open at 11:00am instead of 9:00am. The Crofton Food Pantry will open at 11:00am on its regularly scheduled day.
If schools are closed during the day (dismissed early) all evening activities are cancelled and the Parish Office will close at the same time.