
MON, WED, FRI 10-12:30


The Crofton Food Pantry will open at 10:00 a.m. when schools are delayed.

Volunteers from the seven area churches of the Crofton Christian Caring Council joined together in 2008 to establish the Crofton Food Pantry at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church.  A baby pantry is located at Community United Methodist Church.  For questions about the Food Pantry, contact Susan Bixby at

The pantries are supported by donations of nonperishable foods and baby products or monetary donations to Crofton Christian Caring Council.   Food may be dropped off curbside during open pantry hours.   As a partner with Anne Arundel Food Bank, once a month we receive cases of USDA food as well as food donated to them by local food stores.  The following NON-EXPIRED items are put in every food bag.

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Cereal or oatmeal
  • Spaghetti sauce and pasta
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Soup
  • Canned chili, beef, stew, ravioli, spaghettios
  • Tuna or canned chicken
  • Box/bag rice, noodle or potato side dishes


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