Adult Enrichment
"Were not our hearts burning (within us) while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?" Luke 24:32
Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us - the document on adult faith formation published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1999, provides a wonderful vision for the faith formation of adults. In this document—the Bishops state “Every disciple of the Lord Jesus shares in this mission (of proclaiming the Good News of Jesus to all the world). To do their part, adult Catholics must be mature in faith and well equipped to share the Gospel, promoting it in every family circle, in every church gathering, in everyplace of work and in every public forum. They must be women and men of prayer whose faith is alive and vital, grounded in a deep commitment to the person and message of Jesus.”
The Adult Spiritual Enrichment Committee provides the faith community of our parish with opportunities to enhance and enrich their lives so that they may deepen their relationship with Christ and will be “well equipped to share the Gospel”.
Committee Members are: Angie Robb (Chairperson), Jennifer Bulvin (Recording Secretary), Barbara Emden, Ruth Gavlak, Richard Gavlak, Sue Motzer, Alice Soluri, Angela-Jo Wetzel, Tom Whelan
If you would like more information on any of the programs (listed to the right) –please contact – Angie Robb at or Sarah Jarzembowski an email at