Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to assist in the pastoral care of the Parish by sharing responsibility with the pastor and the pastoral staff for the life and mission of the Church.  It is a consultative body, which makes recommendations to the pastor.  The Council annually reviews and prepares a statement of the needs and goals of the Parish with the Pastor.  The Council also works to build a sense of community among all members of the Parish.

The membership of the Pastoral Council includes the Pastor, Pastoral staff members, and twelve lay parishioners, appointed for three-year terms by the Pastor.  These members act as liaisons to the parish's Standing Committees which include: Adult Spiritual Enrichment, Building and Grounds Maintenance, Christian Action, Finance, Liturgy, Faith Formation, Social, and Youth Ministry.  The Council leadership team is made up of the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary, and is chosen by the council members.  They serve for one year.

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. They are open to all parishioners.

Current members (as of July 1, 2023) include:

  • Fr. Rick Woy, Pastor
  • Bill Sapero, Chair
  • Brian McGrath, Vice Chair
  • Rosanne Harner, Secretary
  • James Corsetti
  • Margaret Dominguez
  • Emily Gretz
  • Tony Cruz
  • Bridget Shepherd
  • Peggy Smail
  • Regina Okonkwo
  • Thomas Thomas
  • Gerry Turnbow

Feedback Welcome: The PC desires to be open and transparent regarding any subject discussed at our meetings and welcomes the communities' feedback.  Any parishioner with concerns or comments can discuss them with any PC member or an email can be sent to

Meeting Minutes: