New Parishioners
Welcome to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish. We are delighted that you have decided to make SEAS your church home. We are a vibrant community of 1500+ families with a noble tradition of good worship, faith formation for all ages and service projects benefiting those in need.
You may register as a member of the parish by clicking the link below or by stopping by or calling (410-721-5770) the parish office and a staff member will be glad to assist.
Please make yourself known to me the next time you are at the parish. Also, do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the staff if we can be of assistance to you or your family. I encourage you to visit the parish’s website to familiarize yourself with the many ways you can be involved in parish life. We welcome new faces and energy to our many ministries.
Again, WELCOME to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish!
Rev. Msgr. Richard W. Woy
Online Registration
You can complete the Parish Registration Form online by clicking the "Register online" button. Your information will be submitted to the parish office.
Register Online